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Blog post

Posted on March 18, 2016 by Marcus Castenfors in Other with comments.

For designers, one of the most important things to understand is that design is only one step in the product development process. It doesn’t matter how pixel-perfect your layouts are. If you can’t empathize and communicate your vision to developers and QA engineers, the pixels won’t come to life like you wanted. If you’re not proud of the design, there’s something fundamentally wrong. This is because you’re not bought into the idea. You don’t feel ownership of the solution. How can you address this? Get more involved, and challenge the idea and the assumptions. The more you learn about the problem you’re solving, the more passionate you’ll feel about the solution.

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Blog post

Posted on Mar 21, 2016 by Shannon Madlin in Other with comments.

Just how important is your website design? When users were asked to describe why they mistrusted a website, 94 percent of comments were directly related to the site’s design. A well-built website generates better customer traffic and an improved user interface leads to increased conversions. Creativity is important, but there are some basic rules about design and user experience that will help you to grow your website. When creating or redesigning your site, keep the following suggestions in mind.

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Blog post

Posted on 9TH MARCH '16 by JENAY SELLERS in Other with comments.

One of the biggest benefits of brand guides (also referred to as brand bibles or identity guides) is their ability to inform many different audiences at once, for their own unique purposes. For example, employees can learn how to embody a brand in their work, while press outlets can learn how to represent the brand accurately in media coverage. Another key benefit of having a brand guide is its ability to ensure consistency — a fundamental branding principle. After all, branding is defined as, “The process of defining or refining your focus; who you are, what makes you different, and what unique value you offer.” To successfully define your focus, it’s essential that your brand looks, feels, and sounds the same across every consumer touchpoint.

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Blog post

Posted on March 20, 2016 by Ty Magnin in Other with comments.

Welcome pages mark a significant turn in your user’s journey. As soon as they move from your landing page to your product, your needs shift from conversion focused to retention focused. User retention is absolutely critical to your long-term success. By keeping users coming back for more, you’ll be able to not only keep them from churning, but gain upgrade revenue over time. When it comes to your welcome page design, there are many patterns to choose from. You can launch your new users into a product tour, or create a personalized experience. You can have them populate their feed with relevant content or do something entirely unique.

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Blog post

Posted on January 18th, 2016 by DebugMe with comments.

I’ve always seen true back-end developers as incredibly knowledgeable. The more experience they have behind them, the more they tend to amaze you. That being said, they seem to be almost “stuck” on some level when it comes to being complete all-rounders – they shiver at the thought of HTML markup and CSS and the fact that it needs to be arranged and structured in such a way that makes for a pleasant user experience. Forgive me if I seem to be generalizing here, but for the most part, back-end developers are only concerned with one thing: functionality.

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